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Point Cook Coastal Park

Point Cook, VIC


This Coastal park is situated 20 km south east of Melbourne and is among the top places in the world for migratory wading birds. It is a popular destination for nature lovers, bird watchers and families. One of the best things to do there is to watch birds from the bird hide at spectacle lake.


Date: 28/11/2018

Time of Day: 12am-4pm

Weather: Sunny/Windy

Temperature: 20°C

Relative Humditiy: 61%

Rainfall: -

Windspeed: 35km/h

Description: Particularly windy day, there is heavy air traffic near the coastal park as there is a military airport nearby. Not very frequented during the day, nice spot to listen to the sound of waves.


Sample 1: Wildlife activities, Birds Singing, Sea breeze, Insects.

Sample 2: Wildlife activities, Birds Singing, Sea breeze.

Sample 3: Wildlife activities, Birds Singing, Heavy wind.

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